Friday, June 8, 2007

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Don't You Love It When

....the daughter who, three years ago, was telling you she is entitled to:

A cell phone with unlimited texting and minutes

A computer with scanner/copier and all the CD's she wants to burn

An MP3 player

A car of her choice

All the clothes she wants now a politically active, culturally aware almost twenty year old who is paring down to live a simple life? No more car. Simple cell phone plan. Buys organic. Reads politically leftist subversive books. Takes a stand on gender, peace, cultural, racist issues.


Trust me, if this conversion can happen anything is possible. Just another miracle we get to observe as we watch them transform and transmute.
Rainbow picture taken from here
Angel from here


I AM ANOTHER said...

So beautiful. We just never know about our kids now do we? Those turn arounds are common too. You've been a good mommy and really both supported her while also gotten out of her way enough so she can find herself. You knew she was in control of her life and dancing to a different drummer the whole time. Good for both of you.

Pamm said...

Yupo...especially good for her! I am so excited she's finding a place in the world that excites her. Never thought I'd hear the Dixie Chicks blasting from her room after all the hiphop and rap!! Life is interesting.

Warrior said...

has that happened? Great.

Pamm said...

Yes, and yes, Warrior.

Sulpicia said...

I'm watching my daughter make these changes. I've watched my son slowly make these changes. And continue to. I 've only read three posts but I can already tell that your eloquence spans many life situations. I just hope I can guide (sorta) my step-daughter through these waters.

Thank you. (For writing.)

From an isolated community,

Anonymous said...

Well & good then, but always be prepared for more changes then. It's always good to see them tacking away from the obvious shoals, and we smile deeply inwardly and outwardly. Then chance and fate designs to see fit that they make flank speed to that less than stellar choice in mates or jobs or distance from family. You just never know what might show up! Cheers & thanks for the invite, this is interesting too. 'VJ'

Pamm said...

Hi Sulpicia!!! Nice to find you here and welcome to this neck of my woods, so to speak. I'm thinking your step daughter is blessed to have you as her mom. Just keep breathing!!

Yes, VJ, I know...but it's so nice to have the fresh breath for a bit, yes?