The Thing About Organic Food Is.....
The little buggers are everywhere! I've taken pride over the years in buying organic foods. I buy my organic grains, flours, all my spices, lots of my teas in bulk. I learned long ago from smaller infestations to put everything in the freezer a few days before storing, but even with that precaution I have the worst crop of them EVER!
I have those little sticky traps in the kitchen, the garage and the library. They are supposed to last three months and mine last three weeks. The sticky stuff gets all fuzzy from their little death throw flutterings and no longer traps their friends. I spend time every few hours walking around with my broom squishing them while imagining myself to be
Our Old Friend, The Grim Reaper
Hecate, the Goddess of Death.
I've searched high and low for their food source, scoured out shelves, checked here and there and I cannot find what keeps them here. It's been suggested that I am attracting them from the pheremones in the traps so now I keep all the doors closed, even though my Spring is always a time when they are open.
I am beginning to wonder if this is a sign of the beginning of the Tribulation.
Even though it's been tremendously fun to be a mass murderer and get agressions out, I'm sick of them. I guess chemicals have their place.
Photo credits:
Mothra from Monster Island News
The Grim Reaper from
Informative Commercial Break:
If you are looking for organic food and herbal remedies you can find great resources and products online. Whether you simply want to eat healthier or for homeopathic joint pain relief you can find exactly what you need and order it to your home.
Hey, No one's here, so why not take a shot at this. The moths & creepy crawlies of course are inside the wholesome food as eggs or pupae, having not been destroyed by irradiation, high processing temps and/or 'sterile' environments of many food processing centers. Me, I'd switch to some of the nice wholesome pre-packaged stuff, and recycle the packaging, and you'll probably do a bit better. It's the food in bulk that does it. It's very hard to keep the critters out from there, no matter how hard you try. So go for the natural & wholsome organic stuff, just try more of the ones in the swell modern packaging from reputable companies. I know, it's almost like joining the 20th century or something. And yes, that's VJ as in Vinegar Joe, and I'll never be able to find my way back here to see how this all came out either! Cheers, 'VJ'
HA!! Yes, I know it's in the bulk foods...but I can't stop buying at least some of the stuff in bulk because it tastes so much better...even though I know it's got the eggs and stuff.
But, know as well as I do that the eggs and stuff are everywhere, if only dead from that the treatments, so it's not like I'm getting anything cleaner.
Finally got them under control with about 12 of those phermone traps over the coures of a month and going out and squishing them by the hundreds a couple of times a day (even got lots in the act of trying to make more infestations...hope they died a happy death.....). Now I have to wash all the walls....bug guts's a slaughterhouse. I still cannot for the life of me figure out I got so was awful.
Umm Hundreds Pamm? HUNDREDS??? A few times a day??!! Yikes. That sounds scary. And 12(!) pheromone traps? By that time you may have been attracting a few who were happening by your zip code and just wanted to drop on by for a party.
I'm not going to argue cleanliness, or nutrition or even taste here. Think of it as a time saver. If you buy the way most American's (TM) are meant to buy their food, you save a bit of time stamping out all the critters. You can even get lots of whole foods & organic goodness in safe convenient packages, so you don't have to destroy generations of souls every time you go to make breakfast.
I think there might be some portable UV lamps that might help treat your bulk stuff though. It might be a bit time consuming, but certainly less bothersome than the mass slaughter you've been experiencing. You might also want to contact your county farm agent and ask them for some suggestions. At least it might give them a good chuckle perhaps! Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'
I didn't say that was hundreds a day (well..maybe a little under 200 a day...but that isn't nearly as dramatic now is it? And we must have drama in the telling of stories like these, VJ...some things are important in life) killed over the course of a couple of squish sessions a day.
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