Friday, April 13, 2007

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I’ve raised three wonderful daughters, ten years as a single parent. The youngest still lives with me but will be gone soon; the oldest has a son. I cannot wait to be alone again, and yet, they are the most important people in my life and I love talking to them every day.

I’ve lived a bit of an unorthodox life and have some fairly different ideas about parenting.

Most of them come from the belief that I trust my kids and believe in their ability to direct their lives. I believe one of the most important jobs as a parent is to let our kids know that they are loved unconditionally. The other most important job is to let them go—to get out of the way of their natural ability to be healthy and whole and self-directed.

Much of what I have done has shocked some of my friends. Yet at the same time, many of them tell me they see me as one of the best parents they know.

Do my daughters and I have perfect relationships? Far from it. We have our problems, our tweaks, our occasional fights. I am no “expert.” But I do have my opinions and experience of many years as a personal growth teacher of sorts that have contributed to my ideas about what contributes to the making of healthy people. I invite comments, questions, and discussion. For it is through hearing parents different than us and finding other ways that we can discover what works for us and our families.

It's my intention for this blog to ultimately be of service to families with children from babies to teens. I hope you will join me and others in this journey.


Anonymous said...

Geez, I've read all of it Pamm. Very sweet & very nice. I was doubtful right about when the rainbow hippies showed up, but know that you're truly blessed with good fortune & good daughters. Again, That's about all you can ask for out of a successful life as a mom. Congrats! Cheers, 'VJ'

Pamm said...

Thanks, VJ. They're pretty cool.