Tuesday, May 15, 2007

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Homebirth Twilight Zone

I was a midwife from 1980-1986. For anyone with bad math skills that's at least 25 years. The reason I say that is because I am reading homebirth blogs and I feel like I am in 1980 on one on the homebirth "debate."

Why are the issues that we dealt then with still the issues? What's happened? Or hasn't happened?

About midway through being a midwife, Vaginal Birth After Cesareans were just starting to be acceptable. By the time I stopped, there was hope. I thought they had become commonplace, but I now find out that it's WORSE than it was back then. WTF???

The same bloody arguments, which we all know aren't true, are still be used to justify taking away a woman's right to choose the attendant and location of her birth...or at least attempting to shame her as an unfit parent, murderer or abuser. One upside is that I think it's easier to find a midwife now. I know in California you can find a midwife licensed by the state and not have to fear about anything. When I did a search online, I found a number of states that I don't remember having legal lay midwives when I was practicing. So all that's good.

But it still sounds like all the same issues in hospital births that we railed against: constant monitors, having to lie down to give birth, increased intervention, increased C-Sections. It's depressing.

What I would like to suggest is this. I'm thinking that if the docs are still so concerned about homebirth safety issues, that they do all they can to HELP midwives and parents have a safe one. Then they can concentrate on the women who actually WANT their services and try to provide them with good care....not the waiting for hours at each pre-natal appointment...not the insensitive care that I am hearing women talk about. Quit intervening and causing more problems. Hey...I know it gets scary being responsible for a life and that it's easier to live with yourself thinking that you did all you could do. But goshdarnit, if you can't deal with the ups and downs of birth, get the hell out and quit interfering with my daughters' choices.
picture from here

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Warrior said...

Yeah like those with the power are going to give it up freely and without a fight??... Oh for the days of the matriarchal mystery society......Hugs

Pamm said...

Well...25 years that I've been involved sure seems like a long time. And it was going on years before that, so no, I guess not.

But again...more states are legalizing midwives so that, at least, is good. The more I understand about medicine today, the more I see that it's the insurance companies in this country that run the show. It's disgusting.

LaborPayne said...

Sad but true, things have changed in 25 years- its gotten worse!

Pamm said...

Hi, Laborpayne and welcome here! It's so sad but I think it's true. I cannot understand it. Back then we had such high hopes for things getting better.

The only good part about it is that I think it a natural tendancy in humans to not act until things become really unbearable. Let's hope that the worse it gets the more that people will rise up and shift it back the other way again.

Pamm said...

Oh...and ps...thank you so much for the work you do for mothers and babies. I honor you for what know is very difficult work. Very heartening, but very difficulte on so many fronts. Blessings!