Monday, April 23, 2007

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The What If? Game

My Dad used to be a lawyer who fancied himself a philosopher. Some of my favorite memories of him are when he used to try and get us to think. He would always try to "train our minds" by continually taking the Devil's advocate position.

When my kids were growing up, I took this theme and created a game with them that I named the "What If?" game. Basically, I would give them a scenario that would involve having to make an ethical judgment call.

One day, Morgan and I were doing something, can't remember for the life of me what it was.

"Mom...want to play the What If? Game?"


"What if someone came to you and told you that you had to choose one of your kids to have killed? That one had to die and you had to choose. Which one of us would you choose?"

"The one who asked a question like this in the What If? game."


Anonymous said...

Yep, in our family, it would be no contest. We'd all turn at once to the same person. I suspect this is true for some others too. (Just wasting time way back here...) Cheers, 'VJ'

Pamm said...

Hehehe...glad you read the blog, VJ. Hehee...your family sounds like a trip, indeed.